Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Victoria’s Secrets: June is Wedding Season!

Getting engaged or designing wedding bands? Here are some tips for designing the ultimate personalized ring:

1. Inspect the jewelry he or she wears to get a sense of your beloved’s ring personality. For example, does she like to make a bold jewelry statement, or would she be happier with a more discreet design? Would he want a stone incorporated into his ring or just a plain band? Decide if you want the ring to incorporate an element of cultural significance or to have a certain sensibility (to look Asian or antique, for instance) to help narrow your quest. Also be sure to scope out rings people are wearing at work or as you go about your daily life; when you see one you like, make a note of it or even a sketch.

2. If you want to create something totally original, with your own custom design, the toughest part is pinpointing what you want the ring to say. It can be tough to translate emotions into a concrete form. Work with what you know: Try writing a paragraph -- or make a list of adjectives -- that describes how your mate makes you feel or his or her traits that inspire you. If words elude you, look for graphic imagery that does the job: a Mondrian painting, a soft romantic coverlet, earthy waves, or stars. Reference the list or image when browsing through ring designs.

3. Start the process early; allow six weeks or more for delivery of the ring once ordered, but there is also finalizing the ring’s specs, which may require some back and forth communication, not to mention the extra time it takes to hand-assemble a ring and to inscribe the inside, if desired.

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