Things are heating up! Glowing in the heat of the summer sun is July’s birthstone, the glorious ruby. Called the Rajnapura, or King of Gems, by the ancient Hindus, July’s birthstone is among the most highly prized of gems throughout history.
The word ruby comes from the Latin “ruber,” meaning red. It’s found as crystals within metamorphic rock, and is a variety of the mineral corundum, the second hardest mineral after diamond. Although corundum comes in a variety of colors, it’s considered a sapphire in any color except red, which is designated as a ruby. Rubies range in color from an orangey red to a purplish red, but the most prized ones are a true red in color. Large rubies are as valuable as they are rare.
Rubies have been mined for more than 2,500 years. The most beautiful ones come from Burma (now Myanmar), but quality stones are also found in India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Kenya, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the United States. But strong worldwide production and the development of new treatments have increased availability and put rubies within the reach of most customers.
The red glow of the ruby is associated with love, heat, fire, passion, and even blood. In ancient times the ruby was considered to have magical powers, and was worn by royalty as a talisman against evil. It has been said that the ruby's red glow comes from an internal flame that cannot be extinguished, making a gift of this stone symbolic of everlasting love. Its hardness and durability – second only to diamonds – also makes it a perfect engagement gem.
RGC offers a variety of beautiful pieces featuring our July birthstone. If you’re celebrating a special occasion this month, whether it’s a birthday, engagement, wedding, or anniversary, make sure it’s one your loved one will remember.
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