Picture the brilliant blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and you’ll understand why March’s birthstone is named the aquamarine—from the Roman word “aqua,” meaning water, and “mare,” meaning sea, this pale blue gem does indeed resemble the color of seawater. The ancient Romans believed that the aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the god of the sea, having washed onto shore from the jewel boxes of sirens. Early sailors wore aquamarine talismans, engraved with the likeness of Neptune, as protection against dangers at sea.
This association with water led to the early belief that the aquamarine was particularly powerful when immersed. Water in which aquamarines had been submerged was used in ancient times to heal a variety of illnesses of the heart, liver, stomach, mouth and throat. Aquamarines were also used to reverse poisoning and to aid in fortune telling.
The aquamarine is a member of the beryl family, a mineral that crystallizes within large-grained igneous rocks on the earth’s crust. As long as 2,000 years ago, beryl was used to correct vision, and it continues to be used today in the manufacture of eyeglasses. It is a very hard mineral, making the aquamarine a durable gemstone for use in jewelry.
Aquamarine varies in color from clear blue-green to a light sky blue. The majority of aquamarines, unlike other gemstones, are flawless. The largest deposits can be found in Brazil, but other sources of aquamarine are in China, India, Australia, Africa, and the United States.
The hardness and durability of aquamarine make it a fine gemstone, and its light blue or aqua color makes it a fine choice when the harsher colors of some other gemstones would overwhelm or distract from an outfit. Its typical delicate color allows it to be used in a larger stone where its beauty can be impressive.
Aquamarine jewelry is associated with beauty, honesty, loyalty, and happiness. A gift of aquamarine symbolizes both safety and security, especially within long-standing relationships. It has even been said that the aquamarine reawakens love in a tired marriage, so if you want to bring back that spark in your partner’s eyes, you might consider this gem as an anniversary gift!